Opinii despre Yoga, Tantra, spiritualitate, despre o viata sanatoasa, despre iubire si sexualitate, despre abuzurile si nedreptatile savarsite impotriva yoghinilor, despre societatea contemporana si evolutia umanitatii, despre esecul planurilor de creare a unei dictaturii globale si despre prabusirea cabalei satanice a "iluminaților"

joi, 18 septembrie 2008

Return to innocence - Revenirea la inocenta

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That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Don't care what people say
Follow just your own way Follow just your own way
Don't give up, don't give up
To return, to return to innocence.
If you want then laugh
If you must then cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.
Acesta nu-i inceputul sfarsitului
Este reintoarcerea catre Sine
Revenirea la inocenta
Dragoste - devotament
Traire - emotie
Dragoste -devotament
Traire - emotie
Nu-ti fie frica sa fi slab
Nu fi prea mandru ca esti puternic
Doar uita-te in inima ta, prietene
Asta va fi reintoarcerea catre Sine
Revenirea la inocenta
Daca vrei , atunci incepe sa razi
Daca trebuie, atunci incepe sa plangi
Fii tu insuti nu te ascunde
Doar crede in destin
Nu pune la suflet ce zice lumea
Doar urmeaza-ti propria cale
Nu renunta si foloseste-ti sansa
Revenirea la inocenta
Acesta nu-i inceputul sfarsitului
Este reintoarcerea catre Sine
Revenirea la inocenta
Nu pune la suflet ce zice lumea
Urmeaza-ti doar propria cale
Nu renunta
Sa revii la inocenta
Daca vrei , razi
Daca trebuie, plangi
Fii tu insuti, nu te ascunde
Doar crede in destïn.

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